Patients often ask Crown Clinic’s consultant hair transplant surgeon Asim Shahmalak whether they can have more than one hair transplant.
The short answer is ‘yes’ but there are lots of factors to consider.
The vast majority of patients at Crown Clinic only require a single procedure.
They have concerns about how hair loss is affecting their appearance and self-confidence, and the problem is remedied with one transplant.
It is worth remembering that transplanted hair is permanent and should last patients for the rest of their lives.
So once you have a transplant there will be a permanent and positive change in your appearance.
But it needs to be stressed that hair loss is a continuous process and, while the transplanted hair may stay, patients can continue to lose more of their natural hair in other parts of the scalp.
The scale of this hair loss depends on the patient.
Some patients start losing their hair in their early 20s. A good example is Crown Clinic patient Calum Best.
He is now 41 and has been battling hair loss for the past two decades. He has a powerful and aggressive baldness gene and our surgeon Asim Shahmalak has worked really effectively with Calum over several procedures to keep his hairline in tact with follicular unit extraction procedures.
Calum could have slowed down or halted his natural hair loss by taking a clinically proven drug such as Finasteride, which is prescribed by Dr Shahmalak to some patients.
Calum is a fitness fan and is reluctant to take such medication, preferring to control his hair loss with transplantation.
Another Crown Clinic celebrity patients who has had more than one procedure is the Coronation Street actor Jack P Shepherd.
He had his first procedure in 2019 because his hair loss was affecting his self esteem and then came back for a second procedure a year later.
Jack’s confidence soared after the two procedures which he said would prolong his acting career and allow him to be considered for a wider range of roles.
No two patients are the same and natural hair loss does slow down as we age.
What Jack and Calum have in common is that they both started losing their hair in their 20s and when baldness arrives that early more than one procedure can be necessary if hair loss medication is not used.